Release | Status | Currency | Symbol | Founder | Hash algorithm | Cryptocurrency blockchain (PoS, PoW, or other) | Notes |
2009 | Active | Bitcoin | BTC,XBT | Satoshi Nakamoto | SHA-256d | PoW | The first decentralized ledger currency. Cryptocurrency with the most famous, popular, notable and highest market capitalization. |
2011 | Active | Litecoin | LTC | Charles Lee | Scrypt | PoW | The first cryptocurrency to use Scrypt as a hashing algorithm. |
2011 | Active | Namecoin | NMC | Vincent Durham | SHA-256d | PoW | Also acts as an alternative, decentralizedDNS. |
2011 | Active | SwiftCoin | STC | D | SHA-256 | PoW | First digital coin with theoretical value based on the work required to produce electricity. First block chain to support currency creation by interest paid on debt. Solidus Bond proto smart-contract. One of the first digital coins patented in the US. First block chain to support encrypted mail with attachments. |
2012 | Active | Peercoin | PPC | Sunny King (pseudonym) | SHA-256d | PoW & PoS | The first cryptocurrency to use POW and POS functions. |
2013 | Active | Dogecoin | DOGE, XDG | Jackson Palmer & Billy Markus | Scrypt | PoW | Based on aninternet meme. |
2013 | Active | Emercoin | EMC | EvgenijM86 & Yitshak Dorfman | SHA-256 | PoW & PoS | Trusted storage for any small data: acts as an alternative, decentralizedDNS, PKI store, SSL infrastructure and other. |
2013 | Active | Gridcoin | GRC | Rob Hälford | Scrypt | Decentralized PoS | The first cryptocurrency linked to citizen science through the Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing |
2013 | Active | Omni | MSC | J. R. Willett | SHA-256d | N/A | Omni is bothdigital currencyandcommunications protocol built on top of the existing bitcoin block chain. |
2013 | Active | Primecoin | XPM | Sunny King (pseudonym) | 1CC/2CC/TWN | POW | Uses the finding of prime chains composed of Cunningham chains and bi-twin chains for proof-of-work, which can lead to useful byproducts. |
2013 | Active | Ripple | XRP | Chris Larsen & Jed McCaleb | ECDSA | "Consensus" | Designed forpeer to peerdebt transfer. Not based on bitcoin. |
2014 | Active | Auroracoin | AUR | Baldur Odinsson (pseudonym) | Scrypt | PoW | Created as an alternative to fiat currency in Iceland. |
2014 | Active | BlackCoin | BC | Rat4 (pseudonym) | Scrypt | PoS | Secures its network through a process called minting. |
2014 | Active | Burstcoin | BURST | Burstcoin Community | SHA-256d | Proof of Capacity | First Proof of Capacity coin, First Smart Contract, First Atomic Cross Chain Transfer. |
2014 | Inactive | Coinye | KOI, COYE | Scrypt | PoW | Used American hip hop artistKanye West as its mascot, abandoned after trademark lawsuit. | |
2014 | Active | Dash | DASH | Evan Duffield & Kyle Hagan | X11 | PoW & Proof of Service | A bitcoin-based currency featuring instant transactions,decentralized governance and budgeting, and private transactions. |
2014 | Active | DigitalNote | XDN | XDN-dev team, dNote | CryptoNight | PoW | A private cryptocurrency with an instant untraceable crypto messages and first blockchain banking implementation, use CryptoNote protocol. |
2014 | Active | MazaCoin | MZC | BTC Oyate Initiative | SHA-256d | PoW | The underlying software is derived from that of another cryptocurrency, ZetaCoin. |
2014 | Active | Monero | XMR | Monero Core Team | CryptoNight | PoW | Privacy-centric coin using the CryptoNote protocol with improvements for scalability and decentralization. |
2014 | Active | NEM | XEM | UtopianFuture (pseudonym) | SHA3-512 | POI | The first hybrid public/private blockchain solution built from scratch, and first to use the Proof of Importance algorithm usingEigenTrust++ reputation system. |
2015 | Active | Tether | USDT | Jan Ludovicus van der Velde | Omnicore | PoW | Tether is backed by the USD so that one tether is exactly equal to $1USD. It is commonly used to convert other cryptocurrencies to USD. |
2014 | Active | Nxt | NXT | BCNext (pseudonym) | SHA-256d | PoS | Specifically designed as a flexible platform to build applications and financial services around its protocol. |
2014 | Active | PotCoin | POT | Potcoin core dev team | Scrypt | PoS | Developed to service the legalized cannabis industry |
2014 | Active | Synereo AMP | AMP | Dor Konforty & Greg Meredith | PoS | PoS | Trying to create a world computer, Synereo’s 2.0 tech stack incorporates all faculties needed to support decentralized computation without central servers. |
2014 | Active | Titcoin | TIT | Edward Mansfield & Richard Allen | SHA-256d | PoW | The first cryptocurrency to be nominated for a major adult industry award. |
2014 | Active | Vertcoin | VTC | Bushido | Lyra2RE | PoW | Next-gen ASIC resistance and first to implement stealth adresses. |
2015 | Active | Ethereum | ETH | Vitalik Buterin | Ethash | PoW | SupportsTuring-completesmart contracts. |
2015 | Active | Ethereum Classic | ETC | Ethash | PoW | An alternative version of Ethereum whose blockchain does not include the DAO Hard-fork. SupportsTuring-completesmart contracts. | |
2015 | Active | IOTA | IOT, MIOTA | David Sønstebø, Sergey Ivancheglo, Dominik Schiener and Dr. Serguei Popov | SHA-3 | Directed acyclic graph | The first cryptocurrency using theTangle, a next generationblockchain, as distributed ledger technology. |
2015 | Active | SixEleven | SIL | fflo (pseudonym) | SHA-256d | PoW | Also acts as an alternative, decentralizedDNS. |
2016 | Active | Decred | DCR | Blake-256 | PoW/PoS Hybrid | Built in governance and hybrid PoW/PoS. | |
2016 | Active | Waves Platform | WAVES | Sasha Ivanov | PoS | PoS | Open blockchain platform, featuring token creation, distributed exchange and fast high volume transactions designed for ease of use and mass adoption. |
2016 | Active | Lisk | LSK | Max Kordek | DPoS | DPoS | Lisk is a dapp creation platform in Javascript. Lisk uses a Delegated-Proof-of-Stake (DPoS) consensus mechanism. |
2016 | Active | Zcash | ZEC | Zooko Wilcox | Equihash | PoW | The first open, permissionless financial system employing zero-knowledge security. |
2017 | Active | Bitcoin Cash | BCH, BCC | SHA-256d | PoW | Hard fork from Bitcoin, Increased Block size from 1mb to 8mb | |
2017 | Active | Ubiq | UBQ | Julian Yap | Ethash | PoW | SupportsTuring-completesmart contracts; air-gapped fork of Ethereum |
Saturday, 30 December 2017
Author: Emmanuel Twum
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